GE Vernova
Job Description Summary
Lead and mentor a matrixed project controls team with a focus on work planning, scheduling, estimating, cost control and execution excellence a large new nuclear plant project. Scope includes: building and maintaining all levels of the EPC schedule, interfacing with customers and partners on project controls, project reporting, cost control, estimating, and issue resolution.
Job Description
Job Description
Roles and Responsibilities
Lead integrated project controls across the project team including engineering disciplines, licensing support, procurement, testing, installation and operational requirements.
Lead preparation of schedules, estimating, resource loading, earned value management, baseline management, and external reporting across all phases of the project utilizing applicable procedures, guides, and tools along with guidance from Project Management Office.
For large and complex projects, lead preparation of high to medium [Level 1-3] and low [Level 4-5] work planning, scheduling, and resource loading across lifecycle phases using the applicable practices, guides, and tools.
Support project engineering and project manager with execution metrics and status, issues, risks, mitigation or recovering plans as well as being proactive to identify and address project performance issues.
Drive compliance with; scope, work plan, budget, and overall schedule as well as the applicable design processes, discipline specific practices and tools including design and technical reviews
Lead project controls operations for the project and follow-up to ensure scheduling, estimating, and cost control commitments are met.
Provide oversight to project controls team to ensure project controls compliance with requirements throughout planning and execution of projects
Identify and support simplification and continuous process improvements
Champion nuclear safety culture – Ensure compliance with GEH policies, quality management system, and corrective action program
Required Qualifications
Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering or similar technical degree
Minimum 10 years of experience in project controls discipline with demonstrated either scheduling, estimating, or cost control
Minimum 5 years experience with scheduling tool Primavera P6
Eligibility Requirements
This role will regularly be expected to work 5 days a week from the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) offices in Oshawa, Ontario
Desired Characteristics
Ability to independently manage schedule and cost baselines for a project and perform earned value management
Clear thinker, detail oriented, insightful, quantitative, balance, results oriented analyst and leader. Able to make reasoned, sound, and timely decisions.
Excellent knowledge, skill, and experience with PC and desktop engineering productivity software [e.g.; Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Project, Visio]
Strong oral and written communication skills, including a demonstrated ability to write organized engineering documents
Strong interpersonal communication and proven leadership skills
Deep domain expertise using Primavera P6 scheduling tool using integrated scheduling and applied time vouchering tool
Experience implementing ANSI/EIA-748 compliant Earned Value Management Systems for large projects
Proficiency planning and scheduling new power plant or complex, first of a kind engineering projects, especially in the nuclear industry
Able and willing to take ownership and responsibility for scoping, planning, scheduling, budgeting, action tracking, prioritization, monitoring, corrective actions, and results
Self-starter with energy, positive “Can-Do” attitude and inclusive style – Proven track record of delivering on commitments, producing quality schedules in a fast paced and matrixed environment with multiple assignments and priorities
Adaptive, able to quickly learn diverse and varying organizational interfaces with professional astuteness and agility.
Strong consideration will be given to Indigenous persons. The term Indigenous refers to individuals who identify as being descended from the original inhabitants (the first peoples) of what is now known as Canada. In this context, Indigenous people are First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit
G E wil l o nl y emp l oy t h o s e w h o a r e l e g a ll y a u t h o r i zed t o w ork i n C a n a da f o r t h i s o p e ni n g .
T hi s p o s i t i on r e q u i r es a c cess t o an d / or use o f i n f or m a t i on su bj ect t o U . S . E xp o r t C o n tr ol L aw s, w h i ch m a n d a t e a l l c i t i ze n sh i ps (including dual citizenships) be fr o m t he U . S . D e p ar t m e n t of E n e r gy ’ s L i st o f G e n e r a ll y A utho r i zed C o u n tr i es ( 10 C FR P a r t 8 1 0 A p p e n d i x A, which includes Canada and can be found here: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-10/chapter-III/part-810/appendix-Appendix%20A%20to%20Part%20810 ) unless a specific authorization from the U.S. Department of Energy is obtained or unless you are a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, U.S. permanent resident, or protected individual under the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Act (8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3)). More information can be f o u nd h e r e: ht t p s : / / www . e n erg y . g o v / n n sa/1 0- c f r – p a r t- 8 1 0 .
Y ou m u s t h a ve l e g al a ut h o r i zati o n t o w o r k i n C a n a d a and any o f f er o f e m p l oyment i s co n d i t i o n ed u p on t he s u c cessful c o m p l eti o n o f a b ack g r o u nd i nv e s t i g a t i o n . T h e d r ug sc r e e n r e q u i r eme n t i n t he b a ck g r o u nd ch e c k p r oc e ss i s n ot r e q u i r ed i f t h e r o l e is b as e d in C a n a d a .
Additional Information
Relocation Assistance Provided: Yes
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